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Category: Salads

Food Item: Vinegar

Title: Warm Chicken Salad with Raspberry Vinegar

Makes 6 servings

Ingredients for Salad

2 Filets Skinless chicken breasts
12 Baby spinach leaves
3 Tbsp. Olive oil
3 Tbsp. Pine nuts
1-1/2 Tbsp. Raspberry red wine vinegar
1/2 Tbsp. White wine vinegar
1 Cup Small lettuce leaves, torn

Directions for Salad

1. Cut chicken into fine strips.
2. Wash and dry spinach leaves, discarding any hard stalks.
3. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet. Stir-fry chicken for several minutes.
4. Add spinach and cook for about 1 minute, or until barely wilted.
5. Add pine nuts and cook for 1 more minute.
6. Spoon the contents of the pan onto serving plates.
7. Pour the vinegars into the pan with the remaining 1 tablespoon. of oil.
8. Season with pepper and stir until mixed.
9. Lightly toss with the torn lettuce leaves.
10. Pour over the mixture on the plates and serve immediately.

Recipe provided by The Vinegar Institute.

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